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The project, a national winner out of more than 300 participating companies, represents a participatory approach that, through innovative technologies for the school sector, responds to the need for digitisation of interactions and knowledge exchange that have been amplified by the pandemic crisis.

The covid-19 has forced teachers and students into a form of distance learning that has modified and, in some cases, interrupted the community dynamics typical of the school environment.

The project therefore proposed to teachers a change of perspective, enhancing the positive aspects of the digitisation of knowledge, through an interactive Web App, focused on the creation of an active and participative community that is constantly updated.

Teachers were able to get involved and develop new attitudes, through new technologies and with logics and methodologies typical of Gamification.

A simple and intuitive path that has new relationships and collaborations between users and that, at the same time, has been able to offer an open source training archive rich in content and continually expandable over time with the contribution of the network of participating teachers.

In addition to a bibliography derived from interactions, content input, and lessons built on zoom, it has created a wealth of insights to be studied ex post and during the course of the annual quantitative and qualitative project.


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